Are You an ADHD Entrepreneur?
Updated: Feb 5

When I talk to other entrepreneurs or other podcast hosts (after I do my little ADHD is not a problem rant!), many people turn their heads 45 degrees to the right or left, look up with their eyes, some will tilt their heads ever so slightly, plant a personal pensive look and ask out loud (to themselves) - "I wonder if I have ADHD?" and then they ask me "How do I know if I have ADHD?"
Disclaimer Reply Always!
I don't know, and I can't tell you. I am not a psychiatrist or a medical professional. I recommend you seek professional help to get the proper diagnosis. I am happy you are thinking about it based on my meanderings.
Either You Get It, or You Wonder
All I do is share my experience and talk to intelligent people on The Impulsive Thinker Podcast. I recommend they listen to the podcast because if what you hear makes you say "Holy shit, that's me," then there is a possibility of ADHD. If you wonder if it maybe you or "it depends" then I believe less likely of ADHD.
What Episodes Should I Listen To?
This is a common question asked of me as the host. My answer was "Uh....uhmmm...good question." I decided to stop looking and sounding like an idiot, so I created a list of recommended episodes to listen to first if you are wondering if you have an ADHD brain. I also added a short list of shorts that explain more nuanced experiences of ADHD Entrepreneurs. Have a listen. If you have any questions, please send me an email.
Recommended Episodes When Wondering if You have ADHD
Some Short Episodes If These Resonated
Further Exploration
The ADHD Simplified™ course has launched and it’s working wonders. Clients have shared how it’s changing their lives. Curious to learn more? Visit our website for more details. Remember, ADHD is only a part of you, not all of you.
Overcome time blindness by downloading The Sh!t List™, my free weekly planning tool to help focus your time.
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